Thursday 6 February 2014

Renaming multiple files

Have you got a folder full of files that you want to rename in the same way? If you are using Linux or Mac you can do it with one line of commands.

I had a folder of images named 1.png, 2.png etc. and I wanted to rename them all to Date_Event_1.png, Date_Event_2.png etc.

Open a command line - Terminal on your Mac and navigate to the folder containing the files you wish to rename and type the following command:

for filename in *.png; do mv "$filename" "Date_Event_$filename"; done;

And just in case you want to revert back:
for filename in *.png; do mv $filename `echo $filename | sed 's/\Date_Event_//'`; done;

Note the two different apostrophes in that last command.


  1. The sed command is key to this. The manual is here

  2. To find and replace one character with another, for example an underscore with a dash... for filename in *.jpg; do mv $filename `echo $filename | sed 's/_/-/'`; done;
